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Mexican Bathroom Sink "Alvarado"


Mexican Bathroom Sink "Alvarado"

A hand painted sink looks really pretty in a bathroom. The oval mexican sink pattern "Alvarado" is offered in three sizes. The medium sink sku MSO0900195 is available with the same pattern field tiles. Since it is handmade, its pattern might display some design differences when comparing with the original design. It also means that this hand painted artisan sink is a rustic piece of art and not just a carbon copy of each other. Rustica House brand mexican sinks are made from quality ceramic material. To assure good durability, they are fired in industrial ovens the same way any porcelain bathroom fixtures are produced. The pattern "Alvarado" is offered in three sizes. Medium sinks are available with the same pattern field tiles.

Hand Painted Bathroom Sink Specifications

mexican bath sinks  
  • model "Alvarado" sku MSO0900195
  • small: 16" x 11" (43x35cm), depth: 4" (10cm)
  • medium: 17"x 14" (43x35cm), depth: 6" (15cm)
  • large: 21"x 17" (53x43cm), depth: 6" (15cm)
  • drain size 1.5"; oval undermount / drop-in sink
  • equipped with over flow system
  • material: glazed talavera ceramic bath fixtures
  • sink beliongs to rustic home decor and fixture category
  • delivery to the US estimated for thirty days

Oval Bathroom Sink Installation

Place "Alvarado" pattern sink upside down on the bathroom counter-top and draw a line around it. Then, draw an additional line about 3/4" inside the outer line. The second one will be used to cut the opening in the bathroom cabinet counter. Drill 3/8" starter hole on the line and begin cutting the the counter top. Then cut the the area between the first and the second oval line in front of the cabinet for the sink over-flow. Drop bathroom sink 'MSO0900195' into the opening and make the adjustments if necessary. Place plumber's putty around the bath sink bottom edge of the drain-assembly lip and press the housing into the drain hole. Attach the gasket with a washer and tighten the locknut by hand. Using the wrench is most likely going to damage ceramic. if you didn't install the faucet yet turn your hand painted artisan mexican bathroom sink upside down and place silicone along the lip. Align the bathroom sink with the countertop edges, press firmly along the lip to form a tight seal. Set the sink in place firmly pressing down to assure adequate contact. Rustica House is not responsible for any damage caused by the direct or indirect use of this article. We recommend consulting a licensed plumber for the hand painted mexican bathroom sink installation.