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Stone Fountain "87UL78"


Stone Fountain "87UL78"


Product Description

If your garden or back-yard wall requires made to order outdoor decor, take a look at this custom stone fountain. It is made of handcrafted cantera and supplied with optional handmade tiles. Both materials are maintained in colonial hacienda style. The ceramic tiles are cobalt blue that is beautifully contrasting with the fountain stone elements.

Custom Stone Fountain

  • Sku: RI87UL78
  • Height: 48" (120cm); 60" (150cm); 72" (180cm); 96" (220cm)
  • Type: wall mount
  • Style: colonial hacienda
  • Basin: proportional to the fountain size
  • Delivery: estimated for a month
  • Samples: not available
  • Color: stone color may very
  • Decoration: rustic tiles available as an option
  • Hardware: no pump, tube nor lights included
  • Shipping: fountains are delivered in sections, assembly required
  • Foundation: you will need to prepare the concrete footing
  • Installation: contracting an experienced installer recommended
  • Use for: gardens, parks, yards indoors and outdoors

Custom Stone Fountain Care

stone fountains  

A custom handcrafted stone fountain for wall installation needs little attention. Maintenance consist of occasional examining for tree branches and leafs. Once a year mix one table spoon of dish soap with a quarter of gallon of water. Use the mixture to clean the stone with a nylon brush in circular motion. Metal pads are not recommended as they might damage the stone fountain. Please note, a pump or lights are not included. You can easily purchase them at Home Depot or Law's. The volcanic stone gets dark when wet. When used outdoors in cold climates use special care. Freezing water might damage the fountain and the tiles. Cover it dry with a tarp before it gets cold.

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