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You Ought to Know: Ideal Places to Install Home Security Cameras

Posted by Tyler Pack on

If you are or have been searching for a security camera, then you must have known that these devices could, without a doubt, help keep your home and family safe from break-ins. The market today provides a great deal of outdoor and indoor security cameras that a dexterous homeowner can mount themselves.

But the only thing left for you to decide or ponder is where to install them. Whatever type of camera you pick, its efficacy or potency can be affected by where you installed it. Therefore, knowing or determining where to install security cameras throughout your home is imperative.

Keep in mind that catching criminals and thieves can only be achieved when your security camera is installed in the correct location. For a little help, here are the best areas to install home security cameras. Take a read!

Front Door

You may presume that burglars or thieves always make their way into side entryways. However, statistics report that 34 percent of burglars make use of the front door. Also, it is where package burglars tend to strike.

A security camera at your front door monitor anyone that enters and exits your home, from maintenance people, babysitters, to family members, as well as delivery people. For the front door or main entrance, it’s best to choose video doorbells.

With such a device, you can leverage them as the chief security camera or in collaboration with another camera directed at the garage or yard. Check other rustica home improvement tips around the house.

Driveway And Garage

A security camera directed at your driveway and garage helps you to keep tabs on cars, sports equipment, grills, tools, bikes, and anyone that uses them. If your garage is separated or disconnected, the camera monitors other potential entryways into your property.

However, if there is a gate at your driveway’s end, you might want a security camera pointed there to see anyone trying to get in. Consider a Nest Cam IQ Outdoor for this area as it has excellent night vision, has supersight video, and is waterproof. Read a full security camera review of this product online.

Back And Side Doors

Out-of-sight doors enable visitors to get into your home undetected or unseen, whether they are invited or not. For this reason, it’s best to add security cameras to your back and side doors to keep tabs on everyone who comes in and out of your home.


Overseeing or keeping tabs of the yard will aid you in monitoring anyone who scoops out of your property from the outside. Also, it is beneficial for recording the activities of trespassers, animals, and kids.

Common Areas

For home improvement installing security cameras in common areas such as the living room or kitchen is an incredible way to monitor if the children are doing what they are supposed to do. Also, to check the activities of your pets, if the babysitter is doing his or her job, or monitoring on maintenance specialists or cleaners.

Do prioritize gathering points that have massive ground-floor windows. In this way, you can see any intruders tampering them or using one as an entryway.

Hallway Or Main Stairway

Install a security camera in the main foyer of your home, that way it would be hard for burglars and intruders to enter your house undetected. So, if someone comes in through a bedroom, bathroom, or other unmonitored areas, they will still be recorded on camera if they break-in into your house.

Areas You Must Not Put A Camera

You must not install a security camera in places that breach the privacy of your neighbors. Particular laws regarding confidentiality and cameras differ from state to state. Thus, it is best to check your local laws to ensure you will not need to undo your installation.

Moreover, don’t install a camera in bedrooms and bathrooms. Of course, it is understandable to monitor your elderly folks or kids in your home. But some areas require a vindicated expectation of privacy.

Fortunately, there are a lot of alternatives. For your kids, it would be best to have baby monitors. Glass break sensors and motion detects are great options as well and can be installed in windows and doors. On the other hand, for seniors, personal medical alert systems are best.


Once you’ve determined which areas to keep tabs on, you need to optimize camera placement for visibility and function. Place cameras at least ten feet from the ground. Do not direct cameras at the sun.

Do you want the camera to be hidden or visible? Decide which is which. And secure the camera from the natural elements.


Before you install the security camera, test it first. Ensure it operates as expected. Do not place your security camera using tools or hardware that might damage its components. For some, it is tempting to explore the camera set to attain the best position. However, do not take measures that could strain or damage the lens, electrical components, or casing.

Author's Bio:

Pack bloger

Tyler Pack is a content marketer, specializing in technology, lifestyle, home remodeling, and home security topics. When not working, he spends time with his family and friends.

  • home improvement tips
  • home security
  • home security tips