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7 Tips for Cleaning Your Windows like a Pro

Posted by Rustica House on

Having glamourous windows is not only about elegant frames and artisan window guards. The first step to having alluring windows is to keep them clean. Keeping the windows in your home clean is important for several reasons. Not only will it improve the look of your home from the outside, but it can also help to keep dust and other allergens from getting inside. If you have never cleaned your windows before, or if it has been a while, you know that it can be a bit of a daunting task. However, with the right tools and techniques, it can be quite easy. Here are seven tips for cleaning your windows like a pro:

1. Gather your supplies

A few basic supplies are all you need to clean your windows like a pro. These include a bucket, distilled water, white vinegar, microfiber cloths, squeegee and lint-free rags. If any of your windows are difficult to reach, you may also need a ladder. Most houses have these items and there's no need hire an expensive window cleaning or roofing services.

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2. Start with the right solution

You will want to use a solution of distilled water and white vinegar in order to clean your windows. This is because distilled water will not leave any spots and white vinegar is a natural cleaner that will cut through dirt and grime. If you don't have distilled water on hand, you can also use filtered water.

3. Wet your microfiber cloths

Before you start cleaning, wet a few microfiber cloths with the solution. You will use these to clean the window frames and ledges. The benefit of using microfiber cloths is that they will not leave any streaks. Also, be sure to wring them out well so that they are not dripping wet.

4. Wipe down the frames and ledges

Use the microfiber cloths to wipe down the window frames and ledges. You may need to use a little elbow grease to get rid of any tough dirt or grime. If you have any hard-to-reach spots, you can use an old toothbrush to get in there.

5. Time to squeegee

Now it's time to break out the squeegee. Start at the top of the window and work your way down in even strokes. Be sure to wipe the blade of the squeegee after each stroke. If you need to, you can use a microfiber cloth to wipe up any water that gets outside of the squeegee's path. Also, don't forget to squeegee the sides of the window.

6. Dry the edges

Once you have finished squeegeeing, take a lint-free rag and dry off any water that is remaining on the window frame or ledge. The reason why you want to use a lint-free rag is because lint can leave streaks. By drying the edges, you will help to prevent any water spots from forming which can be difficult to remove later.

7. Repeat as necessary

Depending on how dirty your windows are, you may need to repeat the above steps a few times. However, if you do it on a regular basis, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to get all of your windows clean and streak-free.

Maintaining clean windows is important for both the aesthetic value of your home and the air quality inside. However, it can be a bit of a chore and time-consuming. Especially for people who don't do it regularly. In this article, we've given you seven tips on how to clean your windows like a pro. With the right supplies and techniques, you can have streak-free windows in no time. Start by gathering your supplies and then move on to wetting your microfiber cloths. Use them to wipe down the frames and ledges before moving on to squeegeeing the windows. Be sure to dry the edges with a lint-free rag when you're finished. Repeat as necessary until all of your windows are clean. There's no need to hire a professional like in case of a rustic home renovation – you can do it yourself! Just follow these tips and you'll have clean windows in no time.

  • clean windows
  • clean windows tips
  • iron window guards
  • rustic home
  • rustic home renovation