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5 Ways to protect your Home during a storm

Posted by Lily Brooks on

In parts of the world that regularly experience severe weather, people are quite aware of what to expect and the preparation they must make. For those who are new to such situations, here's a list of ways you can prepare your home in the event of a storm.

home improvement and tips for whether protection

  1. Clear Away Stuff Outside

If you have lawn furniture , you better make sure they are stowed away before the storm hits. You can pack them away inside or, if there's room, put the garden furniture inside the garage. Also, make sure you don't have any gardening tools, sports equipment, and other outdoor items lying outside as they could be easily blown away by strong wind causing extensive damage to your property or your neighbors'. Lastly, ensure that all your windows and doors are closed and secured in place.

  1. Trim Trees

If you live somewhere with an expansive yard, it's likely that you might have a couple of trees within. Before a forecasted hurricane or storm, make sure that you spend the time checking if your trees have weakened or diseased branches that could potentially get blown down in the strong wind. This could lead to property damage, or worse, injury to your or others. It's highly recommended that you reach out to a tree specialist to assess and possibly trim those trees.

  1. Have Backup Power

It's almost expected that you will experience blackouts or power interruption during a hurricane or stormy weather. This is because electrical lines are especially vulnerable during such weather occurrences and most electric companies shut down power to prevent accidental electrocution should a power line fall down. Residents are advised to have alternate power during a predicted storm. They can choose either going for a surge protective device or, for extreme weather, purchase a home/portable generator. Inspect your house  power supply efficiency on regular basis.

  1. Flood-Proofing

Heavy storms and major hurricanes bring about flooding which can potentially destroy numerous properties. If you live in an area where there is a high probability of flooding, it's best that you set about flood proofing your home before the weather takes a turn for the worst. You can dry flood your home by using concrete to waterproof your foundation. You also have the option of wet flood-proofing which means modifying certain areas in your home, such as basements, to allow water to flow in and out.

  1. Prepare for Evacuation

Mother Nature is notoriously unpredictable. A hurricane that's predicted to be mild might grow in size as it approaches the coast and transforms into a major one. It's best, then, to always have a backup plan should things turn serious. There are homes that aren't safe to find shelter in and so people who live in such places should know where to evacuate or even leave the moment an evacuation order has been made.

Storms and hurricanes aren't something you should take lightly. Proper preparation in such events could mean the difference between life and death. Never underestimate what nature can throw at us.


Lily Brooks is a Los Angeles native who loves to write about home improvement tips, travel, outdoor and more. She is currently working with Timber Warriors, a St.Charles, MO based network that matches people with the top tree removal companies all across the USA.

  • home improvement tips