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10 Tips for Hanging Wall Art and Photographs like a Pro

Posted by Lily Brooks on

We all have art pieces or precious photographs that we want to display at our home but for some reason, we never got around to hanging them. Maybe it's because of our busy schedule or our obvious lack of knowledge about hanging them beautifully, but those pieces have become a home decoration project that we just can't seem to complete. So my dear art enthusiasts and home decor novices, I give you the 10 tips on how to hang wall art and photos like a pro. Some of these you might already know, but there are a few tips that are sort of an industry secret. Let's explore them one by one.

Choose Your Space

Before you start pounding nails on every available wall in your house, first determine the art pieces or photos you want to hang. Assess their size and consider the possible spaces around your house that they might fit. No matter how gifted you might be at hanging wall art, they'll look awkward in a space that's clearly not meant for them. So choose your space wisely.

Match The Pieces To The Room

Once you've selected your space, ask yourself this question? Does this art copper frame mirror or photograph fit seamlessly with the room's decor? Is the theme or color of the art go together with the atmosphere of the room? Should the art piece be the point of focus in the room or should it point focus to other stuff in the room? It's important that the pieces don't clash with the room's decor.

Over Furniture Or A Fireplace

One good rule of thumb for art placement is to hang them over furniture or a fireplace. When hanging over a fireplace, it's wise to choose an art piece almost the same size as the grate of the fireplace. Smaller art pieces could be grouped together to be about the same size as the opening of the fireplace. And art pieces over furniture should not exceed the length of the furniture.

Eye-Level Is Key

In hanging wall art, the center of the piece should be approximately at eye-level. In dining rooms, you may want to consider hanging art pieces or group of art pieces a little lower since people are sitting down.

Horizontal Hanging

For wall spaces above a sofa or large furniture, it's great to hang pieces horizontally. This creates volume in the space without appearing crowded. To make it more attractive, hang an odd number of art pieces or photographs to make it more visually well-proportioned with around 4 to 6 inches of space in between.

Symmetrical And Asymmetrical

Symmetrical placement is great for pieces that are the same size, shape, and theme. This will allow you to hang them in a visually balanced method. For pieces that vary in size and shape, arranging them asymmetrically will still create a sense of proportion to the wall. Try hanging larger pieces at different heights. Hanging different sized pieces help to achieve interest and energy in the space.

Try Off The Wall

For people who don't have the time or patience to do all the math and measurement to hang wall art and photographs, experiment by placing them on shelves. This is a new way to display art that could fit a large wall. Installing floating shelves means you can display any art just by placing them on it, side by side or even overlapping. And when you're bored and want to change it up, it's easy to replace the pieces.

Salon Style

This is something that goes off the rule book a little bit. Hanging art pieces and photographs salon style means hanging them based on your personal style. But a few things to remember; make sure the pieces attain a sense of balance. Heavier pieces should be at the bottom left with smaller ones on the upper right, and middle pieces in between. For one large piece and a few smaller ones, hang the bigger piece in the middle and arrange the smaller ones around it. Salon style looks even better if you mix and match different styles of pieces together or add entire new and unique home improvement products to spice up the style.

Avoid Kitsch Art

This is a bit tricky because it's almost impossible to resist the urge to hang food art in the kitchen or think that a painting of dogs playing poker is appropriate for living or dining spaces. As much as you can try to elevate the art taste in your home above what is considered popular.

Bold Statement

This is good if you want to create a clean look in a room. One bold and amazing painting or portrait could inspire the rest of the room, or it could tie it all together. A piece of art that's colorful could add a spark in an otherwise muted-colored room. A black and white photograph could tie a room with black, white, and grey furniture together.

Author Bio: Lily Brooks, a passionate blogger who loves to write about home designs, home renovation ideas, and home improvement. She is currently working for EasyFrame, one of the UK's leading picture framer online, which offers high-quality custom picture frames and mounts. 

  • home improvement tips
  • interior decorating