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Decorating with Mexican Ceramic Tiles

Posted by Rustica House on

Whether you have plans to renovate your house in the near future, or just imagining your dream home, Rustica Mexican ceramic tiles inspired ideas of many homeowners, renovators and decorators.  Mexican tiles can be used in many different areas. They are rustic looking and handmade as 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, and 6x6 sizes. Most often they are installed on the kitchen backsplash, counters, bathroom walls and showers. Clay is relatively soft so they shouldn't be used on high traffic floors nor oudoors in winter conditions. There is no problem with decorating floor using them as insert tile accents between larger floor pavers which usually are made of red or Saltillo clay. In cold regions you need to assure that water is not going to freeze on their surface. Low temperature alone is not going to cause any damage but the ice will. Apart from that, the good news that you can not go wrong with Mexican ceramic tiles as they are simply adorable making your living space joyful, original and chic. Their natural ecosystem are kitchens and bathrooms but you can decorate with them many other rooms as well as stair risers. They will add old European and Spanish colonial character to it. There are a perfect material in case you want to change something in your interiors but without stressful and time-consuming remodelling. With enough research and the proper preparation, homeowners may be able to handle certain installations themselves and in case of a countertop, it is easier to change one broken talavera tile then entire soapstone or marble piece.

mexican ceramic tiles for bathroom

Whichever space you are working with, drew your inspiration from the colors, patterns and cultures reflected by our Mexican painted tiles. Paint colorants used in Mexico are contrasting and well defined. They are the true reflection of the country expressed through  handmade Mexican tile art. In Talavera section of Rustica House store, you will find typical colonial patterns as well as classic and more modern plain colored tiles.

The most obvious perhaps use of  relief ceramic tiles would be a kitchen backsplash and bath walls. Neverthless, our ceramic tiles are perfect fit for creating a mirror frame or open cupboard decorations. We also sale table tops made out of beautifil ceramic mosiac. This type of dining tables can be places both in the kitchenette area, dining room or even outside in your patio. Your garden can get this Southern aestetic with some Mexican ceramic tiles glued on a door frame, around the fireplace or a fountain. You can find in our rustic online store planters and flower pots with similar patterns.

mexican ceramic tile colors

If you are into  rustic decorating, accessorize your kitchen with vintage pots and pans. They can be made of zinc which emphasize this style to a perfection. Consider buying a coppersmith discount range hood as well and then use our Southern tiles for backsplash, counters or hand hammered copper bathtub which goes well with them. You can go full with colourful ceramics or use them as an accent to the main palette you have chosen. The same applies to the washroom. You can decorate the whole shower wall and again counter or just use those ornaments around the mirror or a narrow frame on the wall as an eye-catcher.

Our Mexican ceramic tiles, as you can see, can define the ambiance in your rooms or can add pops of colors in any of your large or small spaces. Once you see our tiles collection, you will definitely find something adequate to complete your home renovation.

  • ceramic tiles
  • home improvement tips
  • mexican ceramic tiles
  • mexican tiles
  • rustic tiles